Adjustable sensitivity - Four different sensitivity settings possible for adaption to the required range and environment conditions, Detects attacks to- Vault doors, ATMs, night depositories, safe vaults, modular safes, coin-operated machines, detached safes, hatches, gates, footlockers and offer objects of massive structure, Detects attacks via - A heavy kick or blow with a heavy hammer or by explosive material, Diagnosis LED - Integrated tool for selection of the correct sensivity, doesn´t require time-consuming work with external devices, Drilling protection (standard) - Protects the interior electronnics from tamper, Drilling, mechanical cutting, welding torches, hot cutting devices, jet cutting devices, Electronics for remote test or via test transmitter - Input to run a remote functionality test with SC113 (internal test transmitter) or SC115 (external test transmitter), Even keeps maintenace easier, Hydraulic jacks (SC100 only), Input for remote controlled sensibility reduction - Enables the reduction of the sensibility with use in ATMs to prevent false alarms, Integrated temperature alarm - SC100 and SC105 will trigger an alarm if the temperature exceeds 85 °C. Furthermore, SC100 will trigger an alarm if the temperature raises more than 6 °C per minute, Large temperature range -Enables operation at extreme temperature conditions (-40 °C to + 70 °C), Last but not least the same mounting plate can be used for installation on concrete as well as for welding on steel, Multi-compatible mounting plate fits to pre-assembled mounting apertures - Fits to most of the pre-drilled mounting holes of other seismic detectors which saves time-consuming drilling/cutting of notches, Repeated knocking caused by hammer and chisel, Sensor with small dimensions - The smallest detector available on the market, fits even with restricted space, This causes alarm messages on attacks with tools creating heat like e. g. a termic lance, Universally applicable (ATM & safe)- By simple DIP-switch settings, the SC100 can be used for ATMs as well as for night depositories, VdS-approval, Water cooled diamond drills